

Maria Uloko, MD Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. Women’s Health

Conference. October 1 st , 2022.

Maria Uloko, MD. A Methodologic and Systematic Approach for Women with Sexual

Pain Disorders. Women’s Health Conference. October 1 st , 2022.

Maria Uloko, MD. A Methodologic and Systematic Approach for Vulvar Pain

Disorders. International Pelvic Pain Society. September 30 th 2022.

Maria Uloko, MD, Yahir Santiago-Lastra, MD, Amir Lastra, JD, Unwanaobong Nseyo.

The Comprehensive Sexual Health Evaluation For Pelvic Floor Specialists: The Role Of

Ethics in Women’s Sexuality and Pelvic Health. International Continence Society 2022


Maria Uloko, MD. What Would Jane Lewis Do?: The Reevaluation of Surgical

Training and Allyship Through Coaching Invited Grand Rounds Oregon Health and

Sciences University Department of Urology August 1, 2022

Maria Uloko, MD. Why Should the Urologist Care about Female Sexual Dysfunction?

National Medical Association/R. Frank Jones National Meeting. August 1, 2022

Maria Uloko, MD, and Sherita King, MD. “Why female sexual medicine is important to

your practice no matter what you do.” Society of Sexual Medicine North America

Fellows Lecture. June 2022

Maria Uloko, MD. Instituting a Comprehensive Sexual health program including

Transgender And Female Sexual Health. Instructor- International Society of the Study

of Women’s Sexual Health Nurse Practitioner Course. June 2022

Maria Uloko, MD. A Methodologic and Systematic Approach for Patients with Sexual

Pain Disorders. Instructor- International Society of the Study of Women’s Sexual

Health Nurse Practitioner Course. June 2022

Maria Uloko, MD. Why Should the Urologist Care about Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Invited Grand Rounds Brigham Women’s and Children June 1, 2022

Maria Uloko, MD, Akansha Mehta, MD, Simone Thavaseelan, MD, Matthew D.

Sorensen, MD, Nishant Patel, MD and Sam S. Chung. Advancing Gender Equity in

Urology:Allyship for Men and Advocacy for Women. American Urologic Association

Conference 2022 Course

Maria Uloko, MD, Rachel S. Rubin, MD, Knoll Kim, MD and Irwin Goldstein, MD.

Female Sexual Dysfunction Course. American Urologic Association Conference 2022

Panel Course 2022’

The Comprehensive Sexual Health Evaluation For Pelvic Floor Specialists

Maria Uloko, MD. A Methodologic and Systematic Approach for Patients with Sexual

Pain Disorders. American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

April 2022.

Maria Uloko, MD. The Diagnosis and Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire

Disorder. American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists. April


Maria Uloko, MD. Advancing Sexual Health Equity for Women of Color.  Symposium

on Female Sexual Medicine. January 2022.

Maria Uloko, MD, Shenelle Willson, MD, Joanna Togami, MD, Ekene Enemchukwu,

MD and Dr. Ashamda Esdaille, MD. Panel in Racism: Society of Women in Urology.


Maria Uloko, MD, Choll Kim, MD Barry Komasarik, PhD and Irwin Goldstein, MD.

Sleep-Related Painful Erections Secondary to Cauda Equina Pathology:  A Rare

Urologic Nightmare. Moderated Podium Presentation: Western Section AUA's 97th

Annual Meeting 2021

Maria Uloko, MD. Female Sexual Pain Disorder. 14th International Andrology

Congress Program- Turkey. October 2021

Maria Uloko, MD and Irwin Goldstein, MD. A Methodologic and Systematic Approach

for Women with Sexual Pain Disorders. Moderated Podium Presentation:

Western Section AUA's 97th Annual Meeting 2021

Maria Uloko, MD, Julea Minton,C-NP Catherine Gagnon,C-NP, Helen Stearns,DNP,

and Irwin Goldstein, MD. The Forgotten Region of the Vestibule: The 12:00 Location.

Podium Presentation: International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health


Maria Uloko, MD, Jessica Yih, MD, Rose Hartzell Cushanick, Phd, Sue Goldstein, BA,

CSE, CCRC and Irwin Goldstein, MD. Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia as a Cause of

Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder: A First-Ever Case Series. Podium Presentation:

International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health 2021

Maria Uloko, MD, Helen Stearns,DNP, Catherine Gagnon, CNP Julea Minton, CNP

Irwin Goldstein, MD. Bartholin Cysts Can Be Treatable Causes of Female Sexual

Dysfunction: Four Year Review of Diagnosis and Treatment Principles. Poster

Presentation: International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health 2021

Maria Uloko, MD, Jessica Yih, MD, Sue Goldstein, BA, CSE, CCRC and Irwin

Goldstein, MD. Novel Use of a Shockwave Device for Energy Flux Density Threshold

Testing of the Distal Ventral Erect Penile Shaft as a Marker of Penile

Dysesthesia/Hypersensitivity Associated with Premature Ejaculation. Poster

Presentation Sexual Medicine Society of North America 2020 21 st Annual Meeting

Maria Uloko, MD, Jessica Yih, MD, Rose Hartzell Cushanick, Phd, Sue Goldstein,

BA, CSE, CCRC and Irwin Goldstein, MD. Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia as a

Cause of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder: A First-Ever Case Series. Podium

Presentation, Sexual Medicine Society of North America 2020 21 st Annual Meeting

Maria Uloko, MD, Yih, Jessica, MD, Goldstein, Irwin, MD . Pathology Staining for

Mast Cells and Nerves on Vestibular Tissue from Patients Suspected of Having

Neuroproliferative Vestibulodynia (NPV): A Case Series. Podium Presentation, Sexual

Medicine Society of North America 2020 21 st Annual Meeting

Maria Uloko, MD, Niranjan Sathianathen, MD, Ethan Leng, Greg Metzger PhD,

Christopher Warlick,MD. Correlation of Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Volume Measurements to Pathology and Implications for Focal Therapy. Poster

Presentation, North Central Section, Chicago, Illinois. September 2019.

Maria Uloko, Yunhua Fan, Stephanie Jarosek and Barinath Konety. Comparison of the

Length of Time from Initiation of Androgen Deprivation Therapy to Salvage

Chemotherapy in African American Males and Caucasian Males with Castrate Resistant

Prostate Cancer. Poster presentation, American Urological Association Annual

Meeting, Boston, MA. May 2017.

Maria Uloko, Yunhua Fan, Stephanie Jarosek and Barinath Konety. Comparison of the

Length of Time from Initiation of Androgen Deprivation Therapy to Salvage

Chemotherapy in African American Males and Caucasian Males with Castrate Resistant

Prostate Cancer. National Medical Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania. July 2017.

Maria Uloko, MD, Niranjan Sathianathen, MD, Ethan Leng, Greg Metzger PhD,

Christopher Warlick,MD. Correlation of Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance

Imaging Volume Measurements to Pathology and Implications for Focal Therapy. North

Central Section, Chicago Illinois, September 2019

Maria Uloko, MD, Niranjan Sathianathen, MD, Ethan Leng, Greg Metzger PhD

Christopher Warlick,MD. Correlation of Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance

Imaging Volume Measurements to Pathology and Implications for Focal Therapy.

Gleason Prostate Cancer Conference, Minneapolis Minnesota, September 2019

American Society of Reproductive Health: Course Sexual Health:

Identification, Support and Treatment: Primer in Women’s Sexual Health - October 2023, New Orelans, LA

Emmeline Ventures: Future of Women's Health Summit 2023- October 2023, Los Angeles, California

Society of Sexual Medicine: Should Systemic Testosterone Therapy be Used for

HSDD/Low Libido in PREmenopausal Women with Low Free T?: November 2023, San Diego, CA

Society of Sexual Medicine - How Many Nerve Fibers Innervate the Human Glans Penis:

A Histomorphometric Analysis of the Human Dorsal Nerve of the Penis. November 2023, San Diego, CA

Society of Sexual Medicine - The Association of Urinary Tract Infections with Anti-Androgen Medications:

A Claims Database Analysis. November 2023, San Diego, CA

Society of Sexual Medicine: Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge and Comfortability of Medical Trainees

in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Genito-pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder. November 2023, San Diego, CA